Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Solitary Confinement

Okay, tagging on to that last post (you know...crazy lady who hears voices aka writer) I was just thinking of all the places where I do my best plotting/writing. There's been many a time that I've had to walk away from the computer or just delete large chucks of newly written text.

1. Beneath soothing spray of hot water at 2am...cool tiles slick with persperation and the air cloying with steam.
2. Earbuds tucked firmly in place, quieting the steady buzz of conversation and goings on as the city passes away before my unseeing eyes and my pen scratches away against paper. The play is the thing...or rather the commute to work is the thing. What better time to lose yourself and let your imagination runaway with you.
3. The same spiral notebook sits just in reach, ready and waiting for fingers reaching beyond midnight. Words and images blurred with sleep, mind awakening and voices chattering. Pieces coming together, voiding and the forgetfulness of waking.
4. Fragrant bubbles sliding and music filling the air, words pouring forth and filling line after line as half-fist sized waterprints soaks in....wrinkling pristine white (okay so this one I don't do as much...writing mid-bath...only when I can't get something out of my head and prefer my notebook to whatever book I happen to be reading that day)
5. Lollygagging, daydreamer...I'll cop to that one. Anywhere and everywhere the voices take their fancy. Everything inspires. Plot stutters me mid-sentence. That is the life. I wouldn't give it up for anything else. No, no, no. Not even a better sense of direction (Word to the wise, never ask me for directions...I couldn't tell you who what and where...head left to long in the clouds or buried between the leaf of a typed paged). Again, I wouldn't change it for the world...that's why God created GPS.

Okay so on the flipside, this got me thinking of places where I don't think would be as conductive to my process...despite my lollygagging tendencies:

1. A Cabin in the Woods: I'm curious and I love nature. This would actually be an awesome place to go but I'm a child of the eighties with a taste for bad (horror) movies (among many, many every other type). I think lonely cabin in the woods and envision a hockey-masked wearing manchild with a machete and cannibals with poor dental hygiene.

See what I mean? Crackling fire, blanket, and log cabin yes....this as my welcome committee...thank you and no. I'd get nothing done. LOL.

2. A Deserted Island: ....hmm. Again. Thanks but no thanks. Annoying, infuriating and distracting as they might be...I come from a large family and am accustom to their colorful tales and "pain in the arse" ways. Imagine me...on sandy beaches (yay) alone (boo)...not even a Wilson (Think Tom Hanks in Castaway ) as my only companion. No, I'd go made with only myself for company and probably drown or be nibbled away by sharks attempting to swim back to civilization. Silence and peace can be nice but how boring with out the noise and fury of every day life and the people who crowd us to make things interesting.


Yes...I need help. I promise to see someone about that on the next Friday after never ;)

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