Thursday, February 18, 2010

Confessions of a Jelly Bean Addict

I rarely actually indulge in turkey unless its that special time of the year where everybody's doing it. I'm not much of a chocolate-whore....well at least I'm not if we're talking anything but chocolate covered strawberries. I've recently discovered a weakness for the fruity confection. Don't get me wrong. I'm a girly girl who loves the dark stuff but only when I think about it and there is a super secret stash in my desk that I nip into only when I'm specially annoyed. It's the jellybeans though...they're my addiction. I don't have them year round...only during that time of year meant for the Easter Bunny. President's and Valentine's day have barely made their yearly pass and already the stores are showing off their sugary, pastel...Easter inspired wares. The jellies are my Achilles heel. From mid-Feb until mid-April, every year is the same. Every store I visit I end up buying one or two separate bags of the tiny candies. I don't eat them all on my own. I share with co-workers and take them home to my niece (....big sis isn't too happy about the latter...oops). I don't even think about the candies really during the rest of the year but every winter and late spring...I can't stop buying them. Not too in love with the sour ones and I don't like the little black licorice ones...though I've got a thing for Good & Plentys (Yeah yeah. I know...I hardly know anyone who likes the little candies but every Halloween there was always one house that insisted on giving them out) They tasted like medicine and were therefore disgusting but then they grew on me. Call me nearest and dearest do it all the time. :).

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