Monday, February 8, 2010


Okay...yes. Another one. People have been posting their pictures like mad of "Snowmaggedon 2010" or "Snopocalypse Now." 25-30 inches of the white, powdery stuff. Winter wonderland, made slushy or icy pain in the hindquarters. Oh and that's a literal the back and everywhere else from having to push a few hundreds of thousands of pounds of Japanese steel and glass. This was after digging the car out Saturday afternoon and having nowhere to actually go...unless we were going by means of sled or skis.

It could've been worse I suppose. There's a firehouse right down the block and plows were coming through on the regular even as the thick, white flakes came pouring down. Still somehow one of the fire trucks got stuck for a good two hours before they managed to make it around the corner. Thankfully they were on their way back from whatever emergency had pulled them out into the cold.

*Pictured here was going to be one of the multitude of the pictures that I for some reason couldn't stop snapping the other day and if I've never in my life seen the stuff before. Which of course I have. Native Baltimorean that I am, I'm accostumed to the nip and chill...the occassional flurry or Winter storm. Thundersnow, however, was something all together new.*

**Okay I didn't capture an image of this Thundersnow or even hear the loud booming crack myself. I only heard about it the next morning on facebook and then again when I talked to oen of my sisters.**

***I'll post the pics when I can. For now blogger doesn't seem interested in uploading anymore***


Once more with feeling...

thank you and good night ;)

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