Thursday, April 22, 2010

Dancing....Talking to myself...

It's a bad habit and everybody does it at one point or another during the course of their day. Well, I'll taken the idea of talking to myself to another level with my final project. Still working on it and what it mostly entails is a further view into the psyche and friendships of characters from one of my novels. How is this done? Why via facebook of course. Why not twitter? There's just a different experience that you get with the network of friends you invite/allow on your FB. So there I am everyday, switching back and forth between four different FB accounts ranting, posting, myself, but then again it's not really me. It's the same as if I were typing it all into a word doc. The characters are going back and forth and spilling their darkest secrets and concerns...playing around and teasing one another. It's fun and made somewhat easier by having the apps for FB on my phone and Pod.

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