Saturday, January 30, 2010

Phonetically Sound...It's all Kinetic

It was this past summer, when I first ran across something called kinetic typography. It was interesting and different. Nothing quite like the class I'd taken the previous fall. Of all the things we learned and drew there was nothing on the syllabus that opened our eyes or my eyes rather to the unending possibilities. Rather than writing as I should've been I was reading and lollygagging my way through youtube. River. Mei-Mei. Serenity. One of my favorite movies. Amazing for the dialogue alone.

"We're not going to die. We can't die, Bendis. You know why? Because we are so very pretty. We are just too pretty for God to let us die."

I went looking for that scene and a few others. Instead I stumbled onto this amazing thing called kinetic typography. Visual media but words and lettering the main tool for the art...for the narrative design. Some people use it for their poetry or quoting favorite movies/tv shows like Firefly (Serenity).

Then of course. There are those who fall in love with a song and either put it to their favorite clips from some type of media or express their own vision with the typography of it.

Both vids belong to their respective vidders as the media used

belongs to their owners. :)

Artists have taken to using this oppurtunity that is youtube and Kinetic Typography, expressing and vocalizing, Using imagery and the force of their words and the letters themselves to make their point. Showing imagination and innovation. There are so many. Here are two of my favorite projects (poem/vids) that I found while looking through it all.

Nereo II- Spoken Word vs Kinetic Typography

Social Life with Friends

1 comment:

  1. Was playing around with the colors of the embedding and wish I'd gone with pink or purple...oh well. I'm sleepy.
